The Brown Girls | Mother & Child | Ch 07

Mother & Child by Naina Dalal

Naina with daughter, Gauri, 1963
They say a woman looks the most beautiful in her life when she is pregnant. Interestingly, she is in her most disproportionate version when she is pregnant. So, what is the definition of beauty? Symmetrical, as it is expected out of all girls or asymmetrical, which seems charming here? Is it the inner glow of pregnancy that makes a woman look attractive? Why do we ignore the fact that she is the chubbier version of herself? Why do we encourage her in that period? Is it the expectation that she is going to give us something?
The majority of the girls aren’t concerned about their body shape during the pregnancy period. However, there are few who are worried about their body and quite fairly they shouldn’t be judged. But, when they sleep with their kid & the warmth they bring is above anything else. At that point in time, who matters about body shape and beauty? That inner feeling overshadows the outer beauty. The feeling transits her from a lady to a mother. Naina has very delicately showcased that warmth through brown and the thick lines to show the care of a mother towards her children. It is subjective to think that being a mother is the supreme designation for a woman. Certainly, the most cherishing one.
It is also said that a woman is completed only when she becomes a mother. No wonder, it is also a popular belief that women are women’s worst enemies. A man doesn’t care much about it unless he gets love from his woman. A woman, as a mother, builds the foundation of her children. It is believed; most of the values in a child come from her mother. In that case, the majority of the control to set up the value and belief system of a child’s mind lays in the hands of a mother, a woman. Then how come, in the majority of the places it is found that women have negligent importance in the society? Why don’t they respect women as they should be? From religion, business, society, arts every major segment is considered to be male-dominated. But, who manufactured the ones who are dominating them? Aren’t they taught properly in childhood or should we repeat that women are women’s worst enemies?
Surprisingly, Naina’s character never focuses on imparting beauty lessons but on values, culture, and a vision where contributing to society comes first. In the end, her characters believe in a life circle. Her woman completes her journey from being an obedient girl to his mother and later on being a caring mother to her aging mother.

Naina with Gauri and Gayatri, 1990

Naina with daughter, Gayatri, 1968
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Text and Narration: Chaitya Dhanvi Shah
Photos and Text © Chaitya Dhanvi Shah