Jyotirgamay : A Journey of Light and Soil | Shyam Sharma

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Jyotirgamay : A Journey of Light and Soil | Shyam Sharma
June 13, 2024 Chaitya Shah

Jyotirgamay | A Journey of Light and Soil : Shyam Sharma’s creative vision celebrates cultural roots

Shyam Sharma in his studio

Pov : Curator

Derived from the ancient Vedas, the concept of Jyotirgamay transcends mere religious symbolism, embracing a universal quest for enlightenment. In our contemporary search for understanding, each person seeks their own Prakash (light), whether through spirituality, prosperity, or simply the brilliance of life itself. Padmashree Shyam Sharma, whose art is deeply rooted in Indian heritage, describes his creations as reflections of ‘meri mitti’ – my soil, my essence.

“Sharma delves into philosophical concepts deeply ingrained in Indian thought, such as the interconnectedness of all beings (vasudhaiva kutumbakam), the cyclical nature of existence (samsara), and the pursuit of truth and self realization (satya, moksha). He uses symbolism and allegory to showcase these ideas, offering viewers contemplative spaces for introspection and spiritual inquiry.”

Shyam Sharma, 22 x 23 in, Print on Paper (Monotype), 2015

Pov : Creator

Sharma’s artistic expression breaks rules, embracing abstraction and avoiding symmetry. His creations, full of life, push limits and draw the viewer into a world of natural exploration. Exploring the symbolic layers of Jyotirgamay, Sharma explains its personal meaning, showing it as the merging of different spiritual paths toward one divine destination.

“My artistic expression breaks rules, embracing abstraction and avoiding symmetry, pushing limits and inviting natural exploration.”

Shyam Sharma, 40 x 26 in, Print on Paper (Monotype), 2015

Pov : Creator

Soft colors, reflecting Sharma’s personality, create a peaceful mood perfect for thought. Through simple visuals and folk forms, he tells stories that make you think. Sharma’s creative process, marked by spontaneity, like a surgeon’s quick decisions, shapes his artistic vision.

“Through simple visuals and folk forms, I tell stories that invite deep reflection.”

Shyam Sharma, 27 x 39 in, Print on Paper (Mix Media), 2009

Pov : Creator

Jyotirgamay represents the balance of light and dark, like life’s mix of good and bad. Just as light overcomes darkness, knowledge can solve life’s problems. Digging deeper, Sharma looks at the spiritual side of joining our inner light with the universe’s brightness, showing the ongoing search for freedom from life’s cycle of birth and death.

“Jyotirgamay represents the balance of light and dark, just as knowledge can solve life’s problems.”

Shyam Sharma, 43 x 28.5 in, Print on Paper (Monotype), 2011, Sold

Pov : Creator

Sharma’s chosen medium, relief surface print, helps him share his vision, inviting viewers on a transformative journey towards enlightenment.  His love for soil shows the strong link between nature and art. By celebrating the importance of soil in our lives and culture, Sharma’s journey connects with history, culture, and spirit, honouring the lasting bond between art, nature, and humanity.

“My creations are reflections of ‘meri mitti’ – my soil, my essence.”

View Shyam Sharma’s Collection

Photos and Text © Chaitya Dhanvi Shah

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