There are two types of people in this world. Genuine at heart and fake on face. Similarly, there are two types of professionals in this world – Genuine – (ethical business practitioners) and Fake – (illegal business practitioners).
In this blog, we shall talk about the latter. Fake in Indian art has been emerging from the last bench to front row since a decade. Earlier it might have prevailed but people and professionals involved and the intensity of incorrect doing was quite negligible. Reproduction of fake art was mostly limited to the paintings hanged in the palaces owned by Kings or from the collection of Industrialists in pre-independence era.

However, the current trend suggests something ‘shocking’ about how educated professionals too have been encouraging the Fake works of living artists be it senior or emerging. As a curator, this situation raises many questions and hence these need to address to one by one.

In the series, ‘The Poison called “Fake Art” ‘, I shall share my views from what, why and how the ‘Poison called Fake Art’ damages the Indian Art Ecosystem.

There are two types of people in this world. Genuine at heart and fake on face. Similarly, there are two types of professionals in this world – Genuine – (ethical business practitioners) and Fake – (illegal business practitioners).

In this blog, we shall talk about the latter. Fake in Indian art has been emerging from the last bench to front row since a decade. Earlier it might have prevailed but people and professionals involved and the intensity of incorrect doing was quite negligible. Reproduction of fake art was mostly limited to the paintings hanged in the palaces owned by Kings or from the collection of Industrialists in pre-independence era.

However, the current trend suggests something ‘shocking’ about how educated professionals too have been encouraging the Fake works of living artists be it senior or emerging. As a curator, this situation raises many questions and hence these need to address to one by one.

In the series, ‘The Poison called “Fake Art” ‘, I shall share my views from what, why and how the ‘Poison called Fake Art’ damages the Indian Art Ecosystem.

Photos and Text © Chaitya Dhanvi Shah
The above photographs were taken by me on my visit to the respective cities over the years.